* The Conseil d'Ecole:
The Conseil d'Ecole is chaired by the school director. It is composed of :
- 1 teacher per level
- 15 parent representatives
Missions : The Primary School Council adopts the school's internal rules and regulations on the proposal of the school Director. It is competent for the first level.
It is obligatorily consulted for advice on all questions relating to the functioning and life of the school, notably :
- The pedagogical structures
- The organization of school time and the school calendar
- The school project or the school project in its first level part on the proposal of the teachers' council
- Specific actions to ensure a better use of the means allocated to the school and a good adaptation to its environment
- The conditions of schooling for handicapped children, taking into account local constraints
- Projects and organization of discovery classes
- Issues relating to hygiene, health and safety of pupils in the school environment
- The principles of choice of teaching materials and tools
- Questions relating to the reception and information of parents and the general modalities of their participation in school life.
**The Conseil d'Etablissement (School Board):
The Conseil d'Etablissement is a tripartite body composed of members representing the administration, representatives of the school staff, representatives of parents and students.
Missions: The School Council is the main body that regulates the affairs of the school. It is competent for the first and second levels of education.
It adopts :
- The school project, on the proposal of the school council and the secondary school council
- The school's internal regulations after consultation with the preparatory bodies (School Council and Secondary School Council)
- The school timetable
- The annual guidance education plan
It issues an opinion on :
- Proposals for changes in educational structures and class composition
- The projects of pedagogical actions
- The program of cultural and sports activities
- Questions relating to the reception and information of parents and the general modalities of their participation in the life of the school
- The programming and financing of school trips
- The organization of school life